Sunday, March 29, 2020

How to Make Sure That You Never Miss an Appointment

How to Make Sure That You Never Miss an AppointmentTo make sure that you never miss an appointment, check the cancel Tutoring Appointment page of CCAC. Whether you are taking a CS exam or filling out your resume, you will always find a high demand for information on this page. This is a great way to get ahead of all of your clients so that you always know when their next scheduled class is.The CCAC online site has a great deal of information regarding their tutoring services. Each week the online site provides a report and highlights of the information contained within each. All of these features are incredibly helpful to people who are trying to decide whether or not they want to go to a live class. You can also purchase a variety of test prep courses online and they are very affordable.The CCAC websites in addition to providing an unbelievable deal of information each week provides a link for people to get in touch with a certain professor if they have any concerns at any time duri ng the course. Once the person contacts the professor, they can be assured that their questions will be answered quickly and to their satisfaction.If you are interested in enrolling in a class at CCAC, you should check the schedule of the online site. All of the classes at the center are held in the morning and most of them are held in the morning, although some of them may be held on the weekends.One of the great things about CCAC is that many of the instructors are quite popular. This makes it easier for many people to get into a class that they are interested in taking. You can also use the services of a tutor, which is very convenient and ensures that you take your course at the correct time.Because the classes are very informative, they are a great source of enjoyment for many students. Often times, students enjoy the classes because they are learning the fundamentals of being a computer literate person. This is an area that continues to grow each year and there is something fo r everyone to learn at CCAC.Some people take courses through CCAC in a number of different ways. They can take a class through the online site as well as a traditional class. A great many students take a class through both methods, which makes it possible for them to take two classes and still have time for personal interests and other things that they may be doing.To make sure that you never miss an appointment, check the class schedule of CCAC. Whether you are taking a CS exam or filling out your resume, you will always find a high demand for information on this page. This is a great way to get ahead of all of your clients so that you always know when their next scheduled class is.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to End Your Summer Internship on a Good Note

How to End Your Summer Internship on a Good Note Image via Good things to do before you leave your summer internship Here are a few things you should do before the last day of your summer internship to help you finish off on a good note. Let’s discuss some of those things! Set up a meeting with your supervisor Before you finish your summer internship, it is extremely important that you meet with your supervisor. In fact, you should schedule a quick meeting with them to touch base and to tie up any loose ends before you leave. This meeting is a good opportunity to leave your supervisor on a good note. During this meeting, let them know what you have accomplished throughout your time at the company. Of course, don’t brag while you do this. Let them know the state of your project, and what the next steps will be (in other words, what tasks will your successor be responsible for?). You could also ask your supervisor to evaluate your job performance. It’s a good idea to ask them if there is anything you can improve in. You can keep their answer in mind when you prepare for your next internship or job. For example, your supervisor might tell you that you need to pay more attention to detail. With this information, you now know to pay attention to detail in your next internship. Further, if you have any questions about their industry, or the next steps you should take to prepare for a successful career in their industry, now is the time to ask them questions. You will regret leaving their office with questions unanswered! If you meet with your supervisor before you leave, you will be able to tie up many loose ends and finish your internship on a good note. Ask your supervisor for a letter of recommendation Another question you can ask during your meeting with your supervisor is if they are willing to write you a letter of recommendation. This is especially important if you will be applying to graduate school, medical school, or jobs within the next year. Nowadays, hiring managers and admissions committees are putting more emphasis on letters of recommendation, so it is imperative that your letters are outstanding. If your supervisor has seen you work hard, they could be a great candidate to write you a strong letter for these applications, because they can attest to your strong work ethic. Even if you won’t be applying anywhere for another year or two, it still won’t hurt to ask! When it comes time for you to apply to these positions, you’ll be relieved that you already have at least one person who will write you a letter. Asking your supervisor for a letter of recommendation is a great thing to do before finishing your summer internship. Touch base with your co-workers Similarly, you should touch base with your co-workers before you leave your summer internship. Just as you did with your supervisor, you should let your co-workers know what’s happening with your project. More specifically, tell them about what you have done so far and what needs to be done next in regard to your project. Of course, if you’ve become good friends with them, you could go out to lunch one last time and talk about non-work stuff. You can exchange numbers and social media handles if you haven’t already, as keeping in touch with them is very important! You can even start discussing who will pick up your work where you left off (in other words, your successor). This brings me to my next point… Infographic by Alyssa Laffitte Offer to train your successor If you were involved in a big project during your summer internship, the company will likely want to continue this project. However, you won’t be there to continue it. This means someone else will have to take over your project. Before you leave, you could offer to help choose your successor. This way, you can help choose someone who can gracefully pick up where you left off. You can suggest a co-worker that you know is capable of doing what you did. If your successor has already been chosen, you can also offer to train them. You should tell this person what you have been doing, and what they will be expected to do once you are gone. This will make their new responsibilities much less overwhelming for them, since they will already know what to expect. At the very least, write up a quick report to detail what you’ve been doing for your project and what your successor will need to do to keep it going. Before you leave your summer internship, try to have a successor in place to take over your project, and you can even offer to train them. Complete any remaining work Your project might still have some loose ends that you need to tie up before you leave. For example, have you finished all your reports? Are there a few documents left for you to review? Take advantage of your last few days at your summer internship to make sure these final things get done. Your supervisor will not be happy if you leave some work unfinished, so try your best to tie up those loose ends and get everything done before you leave on your last day. This is important if you want to leave your internship on a good note. Turn in any paperwork Of course, this will vary from workplace to workplace. But before you leave, make sure you don’t have to turn in any extra paperwork. In some workplaces, you might need to submit a formal letter or report before you leave. (Personally, for my summer internship, I needed to finalize a few documents before I left. It would have been bad to leave without doing this!) In other words, turning in any final, remaining paperwork will help you finish your summer internship on a good note. Clean up your workspace A clean workspace is a good fresh start for your successor. For that reason, it is common courtesy to leave your workspace neat and tidy when you finish your internship. Before you finish your summer internship, please take a few minutes to clean up your workspace. Throw away any water bottles you might have left on your desk. Tidy up the organizational spaces. Put things back where they belong. This will make it easier for the next person to move into your office once you leave your summer internship. Good things to do once you have finished your internship Even after the last day of your summer internship, there are still a few things you should do before the school year starts to help you get the most from your internship experience. Let’s discuss some of those things! Send a thank-you note This may seem like an old-fashioned thing to do, but sending a thank-you note to the people from your summer internship is a great way to wrap up your internship. Thank-you notes are a wonderful sign of appreciation and respect (Bonus points if you hand write an actual card!). Once you finish your internship, handwrite a card and send it to your old workplace. Your supervisor and co-workers will be very touched to receive it! (And they will definitely remember your short note when it’s time for them to write you a recommendation letter!) Sending a thank-you card to your supervisor and even your co-workers at your internship is a fantastic way to end your internship. Update your resume and your LinkedIn profile Unfortunately, many college students don’t touch their resumes or their LinkedIn profiles until it’s time for them to look for a job or an internship. This is a bad habit that you should not fall into! Instead, get into the habit of updating your resume and your LinkedIn profile often. If you update your resume and your LinkedIn often, you will not have to scramble to update them the night before an application is due (which will make you more likely to leave out something important!). Try to update these documents whenever something important happens. Your resume and your LinkedIn will always be up to date if you do this! For example, update them when you join a new student organization. Update them when you finish an internship. Update them when you graduate. Update them when you receive a new honor. These things are important, and will make your application stand out. (Another advantage of updating your LinkedIn right after you finish your internship is that you can ask to “ connect” with your co-workers from your internship!) Once you finish your summer internship, update your resume and your LinkedIn profile! Reflect on your internship experience Now that you’ve finished your internship, take a few minutes to think about your experience. What did you like about it? What did you not like? Could you see yourself working full time in that kind of career? Is there something you would have done differently? Reflecting on these questions, and your answers to them, can help guide you as you prepare for your career. If you realize you didn’t like your internship, now is the time to realize it and to correct your course to help you prepare for a career you WILL enjoy. The wonderful thing about internships is that they give you the experience of a job you might want to have in the future. You will have a much better idea of what a career in your dream field is like after an internship. In other words, an internship gives you the opportunity to “test drive” a certain job, because as an intern, you are working as if you have the job. Because of this experience, you might realize you don’t like the job you have been dreaming about. Next year, you can choose a different type of internship, until you find something you truly love. On the other hand, you might realize you love the job after interning for a few weeks in the field. It will make you more confident about your career path. That’s the whole purpose of an internship, to help you discover what you love! When you take the time to reflect on your internship, you will get to know yourself and your professional goals better. Image via Stay in touch with the people from your internship Have you ever heard the phrase, “Don’t burn bridges”? This phrase tells us to not cut ourselves off from our old friends, school, workplace, or supervisor. I recommend you don’t “burn the bridge” you built during your summer internship. Keep in touch with your supervisor and with your co-workers. Make sure you have your supervisor’s email address and phone number. Keeping in touch with them doesn’t have to be awkward. Send them a quick email when something important happens in your life. Write them a congratulatory note if they get a promotion. Visit them if you are ever in the area. These things will help you stay in touch with the people you met this summer. You never know if someone there will be a helpful connection for you, or if you will be a helpful connection to them! For this reason, it’s important to stay in touch with the people you met during your summer internship. Summer internships are great ways to expand your skill set and to spend your summer productively. They are awesome networking and learning opportunities. But now that your summer internship is coming to an end, consider my tips to help you finish off your summer internship on a good note.

Step by Step Choosing a Personal Tutor

Step by Step Choosing a Personal Tutor Ok, youre embarking on the journey of learning something new. Youve been taking courses, online seminars and reading up on Wikipedia, among others. Probably, youve started exercising your mind as early as kindergarten and improved your knowledge throughout your life. But the most effective way to study  is with personal guidance specialists who are ready to teach the subject individually; tutors  offer these services. The key to a successful educational experience with a tutor, and the resulting knowledge development,  is to understand if the chosen tutor will fit your requirements and satisfy your knowledge necessities. Your tutor should possess a number of qualities: ability to plan  an optimal studying schedule,  sufficient experience in the field of study, and the skill to tailor the lessons to the individual needs of each student.  This ultimately will make the tutor become an authority in the eyes of the student. Despite the large number of people offering tutoring services, there is a limited number of professionals  capable of providing high-quality tutoring services. Therefore, choosing a tutor is not an easy task. Tutoring is offered by many people, ranging from high-school students over post-graduates to university professors.  Surprisingly, few of them are able to provide an adequate level of training. Inexperienced tutors with lower skill levels can easily be distinguished from others in the same field. As a  rule, these people offer services of training for all ages. A higher level training is typically provided only when a  tutor teaches in a narrow set of subjects. The hourly price is also an  important  point to evaluate a tutors services.  The hourly rate of a tutor should be the same irrespective of whether one or a group of students are being taught. And if the  tutor offers a free trial lesson, you should be careful about him or her.  The offer  tends to resemble a promotional sale.  Also, you better not trust a tutor who  promises very quick results or A-grades in a very short period of time. To find a tutor, get a recommendation from a family member or friend.  Should that not be an  option the Internet has become a great resource of tutoring. You can try to analyze the candidate based on the following requirements: • It is a good idea to define your target. What result you are expecting to obtain from a tutoring  service; why do you need a tutor? If you want to study the subject deeply, you better look for university  professors and instructors with a robust academic background. If you need to bring up a childs  academic performanceâ€"or learn the basicsâ€" feel free to choose a student as a teacher. • It is advisable that your teacher has previous tutoring experience. You will be able to identify that by  looking at how confident he/she manages the class, does he/she inspire interest and desire to keep  on studying? The selected tutor should not deliberately blame for mistakes, and he or she must bring  original, memorable examples; this shows a good knowledge of the subject. • Try asking your tutor a basic question. In any case, a good tutor will patiently and clearly explain the  answer. He or she would not make you search for the answer in books or the Internet. After all, a good  tutor must have the ability to explain clearly and understandably a challenging concept, he or she must  have at his or her disposal a number  of different techniques, and these techniques must be used on a regular basis to enhance the learning experience. A person looking for knowledge with the help of a tutor needs to understand that, in any case, the responsibility for studying lies on the student, not the tutor. Thus, students need to prepare themselves in advance so that the tutor can use the time efficiently, thus maximizing the students value.  Ultimately, a students scholarly success rests on his will and hard work. In summary, a tutor can be a valuable guide on a students way to ace the course  or get accepted in that Ivy League university.  Selecting the right tutor for your needs is important. Choose a tutor that has sufficient qualifications and excellent tutoring skills and one that feels right.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Chemicals - Engineering the Future

Chemicals - Engineering the FutureThe CSUF Chemistry Department is one of the largest in the nation. It also offers a great reputation for helping students reach their goals. If you are an interested graduate student or you are already in graduate school and would like to change majors, consider the Chemical Engineering program.In order to get into the graduate school of your choice, you will have to take part in pre-professional courses. These courses will give you information about the school and the requirements that you need to meet. You will also be given a list of topics that you will have to study during your first year. The course load can be anywhere from ten to twelve units, so it depends on the program you choose.When looking at graduate schools, there are two types of classes that are required in your program. The first type is a laboratory-based class and the second type is a hands-on, outside-the-classroom course. There are also specializations available to you, which m ight be a wonderful option if you have specific interests.A major in Chemical Engineering might be an ideal choice for someone who enjoys working with chemicals. With this option, you will be able to apply your knowledge of chemistry to improve the production of commercial products that we all use every day. You will also be able to work with natural resources and the environment in a responsible way.The professional education offered in Chemical Engineering is especially strong when it comes to analytical and computational skills. It is important to understand how these tools work and how they can be used to improve quality and production.If you have decided that Chemical Engineering is the right program for you, the next step is to make sure that you meet the requirements. Of course, it is important to discuss this with your faculty advisor, but you will also want to talk to your teachers or professors to find out what their requirements are. Remember that in many fields, you will not be limited to the requirements outlined by your program.If you plan to pursue a career in Chemical Engineering, a strong preparation in the laboratory-based curriculum will help you earn your degree in a fast, efficient manner. Whether you want to pursue a career in business, engineering, or medicine, a Chemical Engineering program will help you achieve your goals.

How to Find Free English Lessons For Children

How to Find Free English Lessons For ChildrenMany parents are looking for free English learning videos for children. It is hard to imagine your child being left behind if you take advantage of the opportunities available online. Unfortunately, it's much harder to find the right type of free lessons on the Internet. Fortunately, there are a few ways to use websites that allow you to view, download and watch any video for a small fee.The first step to finding free learning materials is to find the right website. This means finding a website that can deliver on what they promise. Most websites are vague about how they operate and if they actually teach you anything. Instead, get online and find out what's on offer.There are many places where you can find free English lessons for children. You can find them on some of the large websites such as YouTube or even some smaller sites. However, because you're not paying a fee, you'll find less in terms of content, more chances for errors and l ess consistency.Another place to find educational content online is the Internet Archive. This is a big site that has millions of pages of old books and articles. This makes finding old material easy and you can also use the search function to look for certain keywords.Other places that offer free learning are some websites that allow you to play games and get interactive. This way you can build your vocabulary while you learn English. Of course, playing games is optional, but it does help you to get used to the language.Finally, one other type of site you might consider is a free language learning guide that you can download. They have very detailed instructions on how to understand English so that you can learn to speak it naturally. Of course, some of these guides are better than others, but it does help to understand the way language works.As you can see, there are many options to consider when looking for free English lessons for children. But remember, all learning is at least a little bit different. Whether you use an online teacher or go down to the library, some people will probably do better than others.

4 Rock Singers With Great Vocal Technique - And 4 Without

4 Rock Singers With Great Vocal Technique - And 4 Without Suzy S. Do you love singing rock? Here, voice teacher Molly R. shares her recommendations for four singers to check out for how to sing rock and four more you can learn from! When you think about impeccable vocal technique, it’s not often that a rocker comes to mind, is it? Usually we’re praising the beautiful tone quality, high notes, and volume of an opera singer, or perhaps a jazz or musical theatre vocalist. Rock singers are usually known for their larger-than-life personalities and stage presence over anything else. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t rock singers out there with amazing, healthy voices. Au contraire! Some of the singers listed below are on par with many opera divas and divos as far as technique is concerned; their style just happens to be totally different! Here is a list of vocalists  with great rock singing technique: Ann Wilson Now here is my absolute favorite singer of all time Ann Wilson of the rock band Heart. Yes, I may have studied classical singing but let me tell you, if I had a choice to sound like Renée Fleming or Ann Wilson, I’d definitely  choose to sound like Ann! There’s a reason why they call her the “female Robert Plant.” What a powerhouse she is! First of all, this dynamic performer is in her 60s  and sounding better than ever. This is an indication that she has been using reliable vocal technique for decades. She can let loose with killer forte phrases and it sounds powerful, never forced. Why? She connects with her body  and doesn’t squeeze her throat! Ms. Wilson has also studied voice formally to keep herself in good vocal shape. Obviously it’s worked as she has enjoyed a very long career and is still going strong with absolutely no signs of slowing down. Here she is in 1977, performing live: Chris Cornell Mr. Cornell has a rich baritone rock voice that is the envy of many male singers! Although there is only one Chris, male rockers can take a cue from him by taking voice lessons  (he studied with the same teacher than Ann Wilson did, in fact!). In the video below, listen to him  singing something fairly unexpected a ballad! With great vocal technique, a rocker should be able to switch gears and sing something like this with more sensitive phrasing. If you push and scream your way through your rock singing career, you’ll simply shred your voice. Don’t you want longevity, like Chris? Pat Benatar Pat Benatar is another rocker still going strong in her 60s! Fun fact: She studied classical singing as a young woman and was even offered a spot at Juilliard. Although she chose the rock route, having a reliable vocal technique has kept her singing big rock songs for more than  30  years. Here she is singing “Heartbreaker” fairly recently. Notice she still has a very clear and powerful tone, especially through her middle range. Long phrases and big notes are no problem for this lady: with her classical training she knows how to support! Ronnie James Dio He may no longer be with us, but his amazing rock voice lives on! Frontman Dio never actually had any formal vocal training. However, he did  study as an instrumentalist, and has claimed that his time as a trumpet player gave him excellent breath technique. Not only that, but he loved to listen to opera from an early age. Clearly the breathing he learned as a trumpet player built up his lung capacity and allowed him to hit full, high notes with ease again and again. He was known as one of the best metal singers ever, and I think you can hear why. This song requires lots of stamina he’s staying in his upper register for most of it! Now, what about rock singers who well dont have the greatest technique? There are a few that stand out. Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day has an extremely  nasal sound. It always sounds like he is singing completely congested! This is due to the fact that he is not singing with any sort of open throat technique to make a more pleasing, ringing tone. This happens when the soft palate is not raised. Listen here: Lita Ford had better success as a top guitarist, and to me it’s clear why. Although her big hit Kiss Me Deadly” is a great song, I can’t help but wonder what it would sound like if she sang it out a bit more fully, rather than yelling or talking-singing most of it. Remember, there ARE healthy ways to “scream” in rock   but you better find a teacher who  specializes in this technique to guide you through it! In the video below, Sheryl Crow is lacking some serious support, putting out a wimpier, airier sound that’s fairly common in pop and rock. If Sheryl trained with good old-fashioned staccato vocal exercises to strengthen her diaphragm, she’d be sounding a LOT more powerful! She needs to sing with more lower body. Eddie Vedder has what I’d call an…. interesting sound. More specifically, he is covering! This means he is manufacturing his sound to make it sound darker in tone (usually this happens when the tongue is in the way). In reality, the audience just hears garbled, muddy sound. If one of his main articulators (tongue) is always in the way, no wonder we don’t understand a word he’s singing! Learn How to Sing Rock Do you have aspirations to be a strong rock vocalist? There are many teachers on TakeLessons who  can help you achieve your goals! Find a  singing teacher near your or online, and he or she will work with you to  build a solid and reliable vocal technique no matter what style it is that speaks to you! Want to learn more about rock singing  techniques? Check out our Ultimate Guide to Singing Styles and Genres! Post Author:  Molly R. Molly R. teaches online and in-person singing lessons in Hayward, CA. Her specialties include teaching beginner vocalists, shy singers, children, teens, lapsed singers, and older beginners. She joined TakeLessons in November 2013.  Learn more about Molly  here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Why Students Need To Hire Online Biology Tutor For Final Exams

Why Students Need To Hire Online Biology Tutor For Final Exams Biology is a very interesting, broad and important subject, encloses a variety of sub-disciplines. It is a main stream of science with precise information about life forms, the varieties of living organisms and wonderful sketches. Students find this subject more difficult as it takes a lot of time to understand, learn and keep in mind. So, college students first need to clear their concepts enhance knowledge by hiring an expert online biology tutor from an accredited online tutoring service provider. The one-to-one interaction with online tutor helps you in homework and assignments. Certain topics of subject biology are lengthy as well as need complicated extensive research. To overcome the subject difficulties of college students, several online tutoring sites nowadays are offering excellent biology tutoring services. It is becoming more popular across the globe among the college students. The 24/7 availability of well-qualified highly experienced online tutor makes online tutoring very comfortable and useful in each manner for students. They help college students in subject areas that many of them find to be more difficult to get better score in final exams. The main motto of Chicago Biology Tutors is to improve the basic knowledge or concept with innovative teaching styles techniques. Let’s Explore Advantages of Seeking Online Biology Homework Help College students have now started to understand the advantages of seeking online Biology homework help. Online tutors are always ready to assist their students in the completion of projects, assignments, worksheets as well as in test preparation. Indeed, they use new techniques, proven methods and arrange innovative online programs to solve their problems effectively. Let’s have a look at some benefits: Learn Afresh For Exams With Online Tutors After A Great Spell Of Holidays Well-qualified Tutors Biology is a very extensive subject and can’t be covered by a single teacher. Thus, there are several trustworthy and accredited tutoring websites recruit certified expert teachers, who help students on different topics, including Human anatomy and progression, Environmental biology and bio diversity, Natural selection and physiology, Plant and animal kingdom and separation, Organic compounds and all other minor topics of biology. All tutors are well-versed in the different topics of respective subject to provide appropriate solutions. Use of Innovative Techniques One of the biggest advantages of online biology tutor is the utilization of innovative techniques teaching styles to present a hard topic of subject in easy way in front of the students. They first analyze the homework or assignment problems thoroughly and present detailed solutions in an interesting manner. As well as, they focus on clarity of basic fundamentals and concepts. During a session, tutors create a comprehensive comfortable learning environment and offer effective tips and new ideas for better understanding as well as motivation. Read More - Learn Biology From Online Tutors At Tutorpace For Final Exams 24/7 Accessibility Personalized Instructing By hiring an online tutor, college students can get 24/7 availability of experts for biology assignment help, which is affordable, reliable unique. Indeed, the cloud based technological assistance gives an excellent approach to get solutions for their homework within a few minutes. Due to one-to-one approach, online biology tutor give individual attention to each student. Online tutoring is great fun with instant solutions for homework assignments and test prep. We are mobile friendly with easy access to tabs, I pads, laptops and desktops. 24/7 availability with flexible timings at affordable rates is what we offer to every needy student. Grab the opportunity and get the most from us. All aforementioned advantages urge you to get the assistance of expert online biology tutor for the preparation of final exams. They will help in improving learning skills and grades.

5 Questions to Ask Your Students New Teacher

5 Questions to Ask Your Student's New Teacher A new school year often involves changes for your studenta different classroom and teacher, for example, as well as unfamiliar peers. Understanding his or her new teachers practices is the first step in supporting your childs back-to-school transition. If your child is attending a new school here are some ways to help your child transition. Here are 5 questions to ask your students new teacher this fall: 1. How much homework do you assign? Although the amount of homework will naturally vary throughout the year, asking your students new teacher about the typical content and length of homework will help your family with after-school time management. For example, will your childs math assignment frequently include problems from a textbook or worksheet? Will language arts assignments involve writing answers to comprehension questions or simply reading a text? Certain teachers may even provide insight about which subjects to prioritize, or how long a student, on average, may spend on an assignment. Such information can help you create the routine with which your child can best flourish. 2. Are there ongoing projects or regular due dates? In addition to daily homework, many teachers schedule recurring projects, such as book reports, reading logs, and spelling tests. These regular due dates form the rhythm of your students week; noting them in advance can be extremely beneficial when planning for an important exam, a sporting event, etc. Remember that teachers may occasionally shift due dates in response to holidays or the pacing of related lessons, so ask your child to watch for updates. If your child will be working with other students, here are sometips to help your child work well in groups. 3. What are your classroom policies? Even within the same school, classroom policies can differ. For instance, understanding a teachers late homework policy is essential should your student forget to complete or turn in an assignment. Certain teachers may deduct points, while others may not accept the assignment at all. On the other hand, your childs teacher may provide opportunities for extra credit or retaking a test. Your student can best succeed when he or she knows the ins and outs of such classroom policies. 4. What is the best way for a parent or student to reach you? How will you communicate important information? When you or your child have a question to ask the teacher, knowing his or her preferred mode of communication can help you obtain your answers efficiently. Whether you have a question about an assignment or an upcoming field trip, ask your students new teacher how he or she can best be reachedby email, an online portal, telephone, etc. Teachers are generally open to meeting with parents on a one-on-one basis for more serious matters, so inquire about how appointments can be scheduled. Conversely, teachers may distribute updates or announcements through letters, emails, or assignment notebooks; ensure you and your child know where to look for those. 5. How can I best support my student outside of school? As your child grows older, he or she will become more independent both academically and socially. Ask your students new teacher if they have any suggestions for supporting your child while fostering independent learning. Is there a quarter- or year-long project that your student will be working on? Are there collaborative study strategies you can engage in with your child? What real-world activities, including library or museum visits, could extend his or her in-school learning? Should you enlist the help of an English tutor for those book reports? Keep the lines of communication open on this topic, especially as the teacher gets to know your student better throughout the year. When you first meet your students new teacher this fall, familiarize yourself with classroom policies and expectations. This will assist your family in beginning the year on solid footing.

How Dating and Job Search Are Similar and What That Means to You - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How Dating and Job Search Are Similar and What That Means to You - Introvert Whisperer How Dating and Job Search Are Similar and What That Means to You Have you ever noticed how similar a job search is to dating?   A friend of mine has been “thinking” about asking a person out.   It hasn’t been a fast process and there has been a certain amount of dread.   I get it. If you can get past the idea of the agony of dating, there is the always the potential that you get turned down at the very start.   It’s very awkward and full of the possibility for rejection, disappointment and sadness.   See what I mean?   It’s very much like a job search. The deal is; both hold the promise of being life-changing and that alone makes it compelling and important.   There are few things better than being the object of someone’s love and attention as well as having someone to be the recipient of those same feelings. It’s also true of a great career.   A great job and career can make getting out of bed each day meaningful and fun.   You can get great satisfaction out of being able to apply your creativity, drive, talent and focus.   To make your mark on the world and leave it better than when you found it. Ahh, love and a career.   If only getting there wasn’t so hard and filled with dejection. I’m not going to sit here and tell you its going to magically get better because they are both filled with anxiety-inducing challenges.   BUT, I am going to point out that nothing worth having is ever easy.   You are stronger than you realize and you are definitely worth the effort of having the best of both. Now, go take your vitamins, toughen up your mind, get out there and get what you deserve! Go to top Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!  Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer